Govt Rule Changes Means Face Masks in Bingo Halls Mandatory

Home » Govt Rule Changes Means Face Masks in Bingo Halls Mandatory

Fresh new government rules being implemented tomorrow (Saturday 8th August) will mean that face masks will have to be worn inside the UK's bingo halls.

Face masks are currently mandatory in shops and on public transport. However, the rule change will make them compulsory in more indoor spaces including bingo halls as of Saturday.

Already, a number of restrictions are in place in bingo halls. As well as perspex screens, cashless tills, and hand sanitisers, many clubs have had to limit their numbers.

The latest move comes as the Prime Minister today announced an increasing rate of coronavirus infections that see the Government halt the easing of lockdown measures.

People are exempt from face mask-wearing if it is likely to cause them severe distress, or if they have a physical or mental illness or disability. However, anyone else caught not wearing a face mask may face a fine of £100.

5 Replies to “Govt Rule Changes Means Face Masks in Bingo Halls Mandatory”

  • John Hodgson says:

    Bad news. Although I obviously see the benefits of masks and adhere to the wearing of them where necessary, there’s no way I am sitting for four hours with a mask on. I means I will stop going to Mecca Stockton until the rule is relaxed.

  • sara foster says:

    is it right that you have to wear masks in the clubs eg at the bars and when you purchase tickets but can take them off when you start to play bingo?

  • Phyllis Walmsley says:

    Mask are not required in the bingo when sitting at your table . But yesterday 26thSeptember I was told wearing a visa only not allowed. Utter rubbish when many customers wearing the cloth masks under their nose.

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