On Saturday 12th September, between 7pm and 8pm, GamCare will be hosting an online chat group session for women and those who identify as female, who are impacted by gambling related harms.
Currently, GamCare run daily chatroom sessions for anyone affected by gambling harms at 1pm and 8pm, plus a dedicated chatroom for family and friends every Thursday at 9:30pm. It's a safe space for individuals to connect with similar people and support each other while sharing their personal experiences.
GamCare's women-only program isn't just for gamblers, but for all women impacted by gambling harms, whether because of a friend or family member.
How can the Chatroom help you?
The Chatroom is run by advisors and can give you space to openly discuss your experiences and feelings, as well as share any goals or milestones.
If you wish to participate without speaking because you feel shy or embarrassed you are welcome to silently spectate until you feel comfortable to start chatting.
Here's how to join
If you'd like to join the session on September 12th, register by clicking this link and visiting the GamCare website beforehand to secure your place.
Once your registration is complete, use this link to join the chat room.