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Gambling Commission: New Rules For Fairer And Safer Gambling

UK Gambling Commission imposes new rules to protect gamblers

The UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) decided to make changes to their licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP) to make gambling safer and fairer for consumers. By including new rules for alternative dispute resolution (ADR), the organisation hopes to strengthen how gambling operators identify and interact with consumers who pose a risk of potential gambling harms.

These changes were decided upon after an open consultation was held and will come into effect late 2019 or early 2020.

The UKGC does not act as a mediator but instead approves ADRs who consumers can turn to, should they have a complaint they wish to resolve against a gambling operator.

What Are the New Rules to be Implemented?

Improved Standards for ADR Providers

Only ADR providers that have met the Commissions’ criteria and the ADR Regulations can act in this important role. The UKGC has decided to add additional standards to the existing requirements to ensure consumers receive the best guidance and assistance.

Improved Customer Interaction

Gambling businesses will be required to strengthen how they interact with customers at risk of gambling harms. The new rules focus on how to better identify and communicate with customers at risk, as well as evaluating the impact of communication on the customer.

Changes to Operator Contributions to Research, Prevention and Treatment

The UKGC will create a pre-defined list of organisations that are eligible to receive voluntary funding from gambling operators. There will also be greater transparency in the amounts contributed by each operator in the future.

Paul Hope, Commission Executive Director, said:

 “These changes have been designed to make gambling fairer and safer for consumers and we expect gambling firms to meet their responsibilities in these areas.”

Are You Experiencing Gambling Harms?

If you’re experiencing gambling harms, or think you might be at risk, you can view the approved list of ADR’s here.

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