Pembrokeshire County Council’s licensing committee has approved an application from an events company to hold a ‘flamingo bingo' event at Haverfordwest Rugby Football Club.
A licence was approved for a planned ‘Flamingo Bingo’ next month from applicants Tracey Howard and James Hayes who said the sit-down event would be a one-off and would, as they said “get ourselves going again” after they were left financially devastated from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns. As well as the UK bingo halls suffering tremendously from the lockdowns, bingo events companies were forced to either pause all events or take them online.
The approval of the licence came despite a number of concerns from local residents. A number of locals including councillor Jon Cole, expressed concerns about the potential noise, disturbance, anti-social behaviour, the lack of notification and the fact the licence as submitted appeared to allow for 12 months of events.
It was made clear to the committee by Mr. Haynes that the Flimngo Bingo event would be just a one-off event and the reason a temporary event notice (TEN) had not been applied for was that it did not allow for the gambling element of bingo.
The licence was approved by the committee with a set date of August 14th. The licensable activity is to take place between 3 pm and midnight, and the premises must close at 1 am. The committee also ruled that the number of people on-site will be limited to a maximum of 750 people.
So, Flamingo Bingo is going ahead and that's a good thing!
Ben has been an massive bingo enthusiast and fan since playing at the seaside as a kid. Dedicated to bringing you the latest and best bingo news from the UK