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Church Bingo Card Cheats Charged in US



BingoDaily is dedicated to bringing you all the UK bingo news that matters. Every now and again we dip our toes into the sea of global bingo news and today is one of those days.

Bingo in the US is very different to UK bingo. In the UK, bingo is going through somewhat of a revival. Online bingo numbers are increasing and the likes of Bongo's Bingo, Bingo Loco et al have breathed new life into the bingo club scene. In the US, however, Bingo is still a bit of a blue-rinse activity, popular amongst senior citizens in retirement homes and in local churches.

And it's to a small church in Runnemede, New Jersey we head to. A regular bingo night at Saint Maria Goretti Church Hall on Thursday had more than its fair share of drama following an allegation that two players had taped a called number onto their card in order to claim a rather modest Bingo win.

As per local reports, investigators have charged Keasha Brockington, 38, and Teresa Davis, 71, after they called House an claimed to have the winning card worth almost $200. However, a volunteer at the church noticed the card had been altered with the winning numbers taped to the card.

The dabbing duo, both from Camden, New Jersey were charged with improper behaviour under a borough ordinance. A parish official said it was the first-ever issue in more than two decades of bingo at the Saint Maria Goretti Church. The bingo scam pair have to now face a Municipal Court which could lead to a fine of up to $1,500 each.

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