BetFred cleared by ASA of TV Ad wrongdoing

Home » BetFred cleared by ASA of TV Ad wrongdoing

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) received a complaint against Betfred's recent TV ad.  The claim filed alleging that the advert ‘normalised' gambling. ASA decided not to uphold the complaint.

The offending advert featured everyday activities such as bathing, preparing food and exercising while gambling on their mobile phones.

The ad also featured a voice-over offering players “a thrill and a laugh” and highlighting the ability to play at any time.

The ASA received one complaint from an individual, claiming the advert was irresponsible due to its normalisation of gambling as an everyday activity.

In response to the complaint, Betfred stressed that “the ad did not suggest that people should play bingo excessively” nor that “it should take priority over any other social interaction”. Further adding that the other activities were not dependent on gambling or that gambling was the sole activity.

As part of its final verdict, the ASA stated: “the ad focused on how people could gamble using Betfred bingo while also undertaking tasks or leisure activities around the house”.  Adding that gambling was happening in conjunction with these activities, not taking place instead of them.

The ASA concluded that because the ad did not focus on activities being dependent on gambling in order to be fulfilled, there were no grounds for the complaint.

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